Colusa County, California

Colusa County lies in the heart of the great Sacramento valley; it stretches from the river on the east to the Coast range on the west, and is the banner wheat county of California or of the United States. Its area is 2, 300 square miles, mainly rich alluvial land. Its population is estimated at 20,000; the census of 1880 gives 13,118. Colusa, the county seat, is a city of 2,500 people, the center of immense grain ranches. Other towns are Willows, noted for the beauty of its homes, Orland, Germantown, Maxwell and Arbuckle. The valley land is so rich that the county has a record in many years of 10,000,000 bushels of wheat. . The land was formerly held in great ranches, the most famous of which is the Glenn ranch, that follows the Sacramento for seventeen miles; but many of these are now being cut up, and orchards are taking the place of grain fields. In the western part stock raising and lumbering are pursued. The assessed valuation in 1889 was $24,500,000.


Source: California State Gazetteer and Business Directory 1890, Volume II, R. L. Polk & Company, 1890.

©California American History and Genealogy Project 2011 - 2016
Created December 2, 2015 by Judy White