Ventura County, California

Ventura County is bounded by Santa Barbara and Kern on the north, Los Angeles on the east, and the Pacific Ocean and a portion of Santa Barbara on the west, having 65 miles of sea-coast, and an area of 1,683 square miles. Ventura is noted for the extent of its grazing and farming lands, its petroleum-producing districts, and the healthfulness of its climate. Having until recently been deprived of railroad communication to market, and many of its large ranches being undivided, its progress in the past was slow, but it has now entered upon an era of genuine prosperity. The production of cereals and fruits is increasing, and a desirable class of immigrants are finding homes in the county. The honey industry is very important, over 3,000,000 pounds being marketed in 1887. Ventura, the county seat, is situated near the ocean on the Ventura River and 12 miles from the port of Hueneme, in the oil belt, which promises to be a source of great wealth. The Santa Clara and Ojai valleys are capable of supporting a vast population, and are being rapidly settled up. The population in 1880 was 5,073; now it is at least 16,000. The assessed valuation in 1889 was $8,000,000.


Source: California State Gazetteer and Business Directory 1890, Volume II, R. L. Polk & Company, 1890.

©California American History and Genealogy Project 2011 - 2016
Created December 2, 2015 by Judy White