Columbia, Tuolumne County
Columbia, Tuolumne County, PO 4 miles north north west of
Sonora, is reached by daily stage from Milton about 20 miles
distant the terminus of the Copperopolis railroad.
In the early days of mining this was one of the richest gold
regions of the State, and a well-built and flourishing city soon
grew up. The town has been thrice destroyed by fire, the last
time in 1860, and since that disaster it has not maintained its
former importance. Gold washing is still carried on to some
extent in the place, and in the neighboring camps. Gold bearing
veins of quartz are known to exist in the neighborhood, but are
neglected by capital.
About two miles from Columbia is an extensive and valuable
marble quarry, which invites the construction of a railroad for
its development. The soil in the vicinity is adapted to
agriculture, and where farming and garden property is secured
from invasion by the miners, great success has attended its
cultivation. All kinds of fruit, including oranges and other
semi-tropical varieties, grow luxuriantly and of the finest
Bornheim Henry, liquor saloon
Brady M, general merchandise
Brunet L, dry goods
Butler Horace, restaurant
Callaghan Daniel, boot and shoe maker
Cunniff Thomas, liquor saloon
Ebler William, harness and saddlery
Elias Edward, postmaster, telegraph agent, and books, stationery
and cigars
Fallon Owen, proprietor Fallon's Hotel
Johannesman A, liquor and billiard saloon
Kelly M, livery stable
Kluber Henry, liquors
Knapp Sewell, general merchandise
Koch Charles, barber
Levy J, dry goods
Levy S & H, dry goods and clothing
Mack John Rev, clergyman (Presb)
Martin P H, watchmaker
Morgan George, proprietor City Hotel
Rehm M J, liquor saloon
Ryan William C, groceries
Schoettgen F T, batcher
Schooler & Richards, blacksmiths
Sevening Henry, agent Wells, Fargo & Company, and gold dust
Siebert Antone, baker
Siebert William, liquor saloon and billiards
Springfield Brewery Depot
Stoltze F, liquor saloon and restaurant
Tibbetts J P, physician
White E E, notary public and justice of the peace
Wilson James, boots and shoes
Wing Gideon, tinsmith and deputy collector U S internal revenue
Zwickert F, boot and shoe maker
California Gazetteer |
AHGP California
Source: Pacific Coast Business Directory for 1876-78, Compiled
by Henry G. Langley, San Francisco, 1875