Del Norte County
Del Norte County. Organized 1857. Bounded north by Oregon, east
by Siskiyou, south by Klamath and west by the Pacific Ocean.
Area, 1,440 square miles. Assessed valuation of property for
1874, $697,565. County seat, Crescent City. Principal towns.
Crescent City and Happy Camp. This is the extreme north eastern
county of the State, hence its name. The resources of Del Norte
are abundant, though slightly developed, chiefly owing to the
mountainous and inaccessible character of the country. The
forests are on a grand scale, and a large lumbering business is
carried on.
Farming is not an extensive resource, but .several thousand
acres are under cultivation, and a grist mill of seventy-five
barrels capacity a day is maintained at Crescent City. The
mineral wealth is great, though the production is not large.
Gold is mined on the Klamath and its branches, and in the sands
of the ocean beach. Rich veins of copper exists in the mountains
east of Crescent City, and immense deposits of iron ore of a
high percentage are found. A company of San Francisco
capitalists has been formed for working these ores, for which
the abundant forests afford convenient fuel. Chromic iron ore,
or chrome, highly valued as a pigment, and used as a coloring
matter in various ways, appears In inexhaustible quantities in
the vicinity of Smith River Valley, and is mined for shipment
East and to Europe. During the year 1874 over 1,200 tons of this
ore were shipped East from the mines of Del Norte.
The fisheries of the coast and streams entering the ocean
constitute an important resource, the salmon being chiefly
sought, and of this noble fish some two thousand barrels are
taken annually at Crescent City, on the coast, is an open
roadstead, where steamers and sailing vessels land passengers
and freight in favorable weather.
Officers: W. A. Hamilton, County Judge; P. H.
Peveler, Clerk, Recorder and Auditor: William Sample, District
Attorney; R. S. McLellan, Sheriff and Tax Collector; John
Chaplin, Treasurer; Jacob Marhoffer, Assessor: D. S. Sartwell,
Surveyor; Lib Magruder, Coroner; J. E. Eldridge, Public
Administrator; Max Lipowitz, Superintendent Public Schools.
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AHGP California
Source: Pacific Coast Business Directory for 1876-78, Compiled
by Henry G. Langley, San Francisco, 1875