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Solano County California

Solano County. Organized in 1850. Bounded north by Napa and Yolo; east by Yolo and the Sacramento River, separating it from Sacramento; south by Suisun Bay and the Straits of Carquinez, separating it from Contra Costa; and west by Napa. Area, 800 square miles. Assessed valuation of property for 1874, $10,407,904.

County seat, Fairfield. Principal towns: Batavia, Benicia, Rio Vista, Silveyville (or Dixon), Suisun, Vacaville and Vallejo. Vallejo is a city of 9,000 inhabitants, and is separated by a narrow strait from Mare Island, the seat of the U. S. Navy Yard. This is the only Navy Yard on the Pacific Coast, and is one of the finest sites for the purpose in the world.

The resources are agriculture and commerce, both of a high character. The county embraces the region lying between the lower Sacramento and the Coast Range, being a broad area of valley land, with a soil of unsurpassed fertility and a climate of delightful temperature. The southwestern portion is hilly, but covered with an arable soil, growing the native wild oat in luxuriance, of which hay is made in large quantities. A great portion of the cultivated land is devoted to the production of wheat, but all cereals, vegetables and fruits grow to perfection. The Sacramento River flows along the eastern and southeastern border, emptying into Suisun Bay, which indents the southern portion; and the Straits of Carquinez and San Pablo Bay embrace the southwestern extremity, giving near one hundred miles of water front, with navigable streams and sloughs reaching inland, thus offering the best facilities for commerce and the transportation of products. Additional facilities are given by the California Pacific Railroad, which has its initial point at Vallejo and runs northeasterly 46 miles through the midst of the most populous portion of the county.

Solano, though regarded as strictly agricultural, is not without its mineral resources. In the range of hills terminating on the Straits of Carquinez, a most valuable hydraulic cement is obtained, which is used largely in public works. In this range are indications of coal, and it being a part of the Monte Diablo system, the existence of this valuable mineral is probable. North of the town of Suisun is a range of hills from which the beautiful "Suisun marble" is obtained, used for ornamental work, and is also burned for lime. In the same range are found numerous veins of cinnabar, some of which are developing into what promise to be valuable mines.

The detail shows the county rich in natural resources, favorable in location, and it is rapidly advancing in prosperity.

Officers: John M. Gregory, County Judge; Joel A. Harvey, Clerk; Joseph F. Wendell, District Attorney; Eben D. Perkins, Sheriff; Ed. F. Gillespie, Recorder and Auditor; William G. Wyman, Treasurer; Peter Timm, Tax Collector; Joseph Hoyt, Assessor; Albert Gunning, Surveyor; James Topley, Coroner; Hazen Hoyt, Public Administrator; Charles W. Childs, Superintendent Public Schools.

California Gazetteer | AHGP California

Source: Pacific Coast Business Directory for 1876-78, Compiled by Henry G. Langley, San Francisco, 1875

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