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 Sutter County California

Sutter County. Organized in 1850. Bounded north by Butte and Yuba; east by Yuba and Placer; south by Sacramento and Yolo; and west by Yolo and Colusa. Area, 576 square miles. Assessed valuation of property for 1874, $4,661,208.

County seat, Yuba City. Principal towns: Nicolaus and Vernon.

The resources are exclusively agricultural, the county occupying a fertile section in the center of the Sacramento Valley, lying on both sides of Feather River, and the Sacramento its western border, both navigable streams. It was first settled by General John A. Sutter, who for a number of years made his home at Hock Farm, on the banks of Feather River. A large area of the western part of the county is subject to annual overflow, and is covered in summer with a rank growth of tules, evidences of great fertility, but requiring reclamation before susceptible of cultivation. In the northern part are "The Buttes," a collection of rugged mountain peaks rising abruptly from the plain to an altitude of 1,100 feet, and covering an area twelve miles in length, north and south, by four in breadth. Several pleasant and fertile little valleys are found among them, and fruitful and prosperous farms about their base.

 The California Pacific Railroad was constructed through the county, crossing the Sacramento at Knight's Landing, and over the tule lands by some four miles of piling, and terminating at Marysville, in Yuba County, but a section of the tule portion of the road having been washed away, it is at present inoperative. The Feather and Sacramento being navigable streams, afford means of cheap and ready transportation for all the county products.

Officers: Jesse H. Craddock, County Judge; Caleb E. Wilcoxon, Clerk, Recorder, and Auditor; John H. Ray, District Attorney; William P. Harkey, Sheriff and Tax Collector; Jonas Marcuse, Treasurer; A. E. Clary, Assessor; Phil. E. Drescher, Surveyor; W. C. Smith, Coroner, and Public Administrator; M. C. Clark, Superintendent Public Schools.

California Gazetteer | AHGP California

Source: Pacific Coast Business Directory for 1876-78, Compiled by Henry G. Langley, San Francisco, 1875

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