Jacinto, Colusa County to Junction House, Lassen
County California
Jacinto, Colusa County, PO 28 miles north of
Aronson Philip N, postmaster
Galland, Aronson & Company, general merchandise
King Frame, hotel
Amador County
Jacksonville, Tuolumne County, PO address,
Chinese Camp, 12 miles south of Sonora
Ackerman David, hotel
James Bar, Calaveras County, PO address, Gwin
Mine, 9 miles north west of San Andreas
Patti Mariana, wine grower
Jamestown, Tuolumne County, PO 4 miles
southwest of Sonora, situated on the stage road from Stockton,
and in the midst of a section once distinguished for the
richness of its placers. It is now much decayed and although
possessing mineral and agricultural resources of a high order, a
change in the systems of the past in both tenure of property and
mode of operations is required to develop them and establish a
permanent prosperity.
The Mammoth Quartz Lode runs near the town, regarded as the
great mother vein of the State, and supposed to be very rich.
Table Mountain, a singular formation of lava, overlying deep
beds of auriferous gravel, is near Jamestown, and into it are
now running several prospecting tunnels whose success will add
greatly to the prosperity of the place, and revivify business.
Butterfield Benjamin F., postmaster
and agent Wells, Fargo & Company
Butterfield B F & Company, general merchandise
Cohen A, dry goods and clothing
De Milt S, hotel
Leland G A, bakery
Lortera G, fruits
Lucusson P, liquor and billiard saloon
Myer F, restaurant
Pereira John, livery stable
Perkins J L, groceries
Preston A B, notary public, justice of the peace and butcher
Raspi Charles, general merchandise
Rivarola F, groceries and provisions
Waterhouse W H H, blacksmith
Jamison City, Plumas County, PO address, Mohawk
Valley, 20 miles south east of Quincy
Clark Samuel, liquor saloon
Emerson B, hotel and saloon
Lannes Lewis, fruits and liquors
Nave & Ford, general merchandise
Phelen John, hotel and saloon
Janesville, Lassen County, PO 12 miles south
east of Susanville
Anthony Otto, blacksmith
Breed Levi N, postmaster and general merchandise
Byert J D, stock dealer
Moon A G, wagon maker
Tanner Dennis, hotel
Janesville, Shasta County, PO address,
Horsetown, 20 miles south west of Shasta
Garden & Reagan, general merchandise
Nigh Sarah, Mrs, hotel
Rea James, liquor saloon
Jay Hawk, El Dorado County, PO address, Green
Valley, 16 miles north west of Placerville
Carrie John, general merchandise
Jenny Lind, Calaveras County, PO 18 miles south
west of San Andreas
Blume C, liquor saloon
Fenton William K, proprietor Jenny Lind Hotel
Mohrman Louis, liquor saloon (Whisky Hill)
Nottage George E, physician
Orengo G M & Brothers, general merchandise
Paxson D W, liquor saloon
Realy Joseph F, blacksmith
Runnils John, blacksmith
Sanborn H, liquor saloon
Uge Celestino, postmaster
Uge C & Company, general merchandise
Jesus Maria, Calaveras County, PO address,
Mokelumne Hill, 6 miles north of San Andreas
Gayon J, general merchandise
Greco F, general merchandise
Jacob E, butcher
Lagomarsino ____, wine grower
Joanata, Santa Barbara County, PO
McCarty Daniel, postmaster
Johnson's Bar, Siskiyou County, PO address,
Scott River, 40 miles west of Yreka
Willard & Isaacs, general merchandise
Johnsonville, Lassen County, PO address,
Hull S R & Company, flour
Jolon, Monterey County, PO, 65 miles south of
Adaco C, general merchandise
Cole Emma F Miss, teacher
Dodge Henry C, postmaster
Ensign Charles F, hotel
Levison H & Company, general merchandise
McLean Allen, teacher
Mullan L A, attorney at law
Murray William J, blacksmith
Soliz Antonio, liquor saloon
Jonesa, Tulare County, PO 18 miles north west
of Visalia
Corry A B, blacksmith and wagon maker
Cotton George W, postmaster and hotel
Cummings G P, physician
Diss & Company, nurserymen
Farmer William T, carpenter and builder
Fluelling ____, dentist
Hamlin ____, dentist
Hoffman John, photographer
McQuiddy T J, stage proprietor
Slight George, painter and grainer
Urton John S, civil engineer and surveyor
Josephine, San Luis Obispo County, PO 15 miles
north of San Luis Obispo
Humphries W S, postmaster and general
Julian, San Diego County, PO 45 miles north
east of San Diego, is one of the new mining towns of the
southern extreme of the State, and bids fair, upon the
settlement of land titles, to become a place of considerable
importance. The Washington, Stonewall and other mines have shown
much wealth, and the region is undoubtedly rich in gold. The
town contains three stores, four hotels, two boarding houses, a
well-kept school, post and express offices, and other business
houses. The scenery and climate of this section are unsurpassed.
The mountains in the vicinity are thickly timbered, and the
streets of the village are shaded by fine live oak trees. The
surrounding country is fertile and well adapted to agriculture
and grazing, and as a mining or farming section the future
promise is very favorable.
Bronson L, liquor saloon
Burroughs D, physician
Dannals G M, agent Wells, Fargo & Co
Dwarakowsky & Company, general merchandise
Fewing James, liquor saloon
Frary & Schultz, general merchandise
Griffith F C, butcher
Harnatt & Stratton, blacksmiths
Harrington M. liquor saloon
Hawver Harvey W, postmaster
Hopkins C Mrs, hotel
Hopkins F M, groceries
Lamcoe L, barber
McCurdy J S, boot maker
McKean A R, hotel
Slade T P, attorney at law
Stancliff & Baily, livery and feed stables
Strange A E Mrs, hotel
Viburg R L, wagon maker
Webber C, boot maker
Webber Charles, butcher
Junction Bar, Plumas County, PO address,
Spanish Ranch, 20 miles west of Quincy
Mori G L, general merchandise
Junction City, Trinity County, PO 9 miles south
west of Weaverville
Day Charles W, postmaster
Day ii Todd, hotel
George A C, attorney at lair
Given W C, butcher
G rover G M, stock dealer
Jacob Louis, provisions
Johnston James D H, carpenter
Kuper, Karsky & Company, general merchandise
Osthoff Henry J. blacksmith and general merchandise
Simonds A D, hotel
Sturdivant & Whitmore, lumber manufacturers
Wadleigh ____ Miss, teacher
Verstegen P, liquor saloon
Junction House, Lassen County, PO 65 miles
south east of Susanville
Jones William E, postmaster and hotel
California Gazetteer |
AHGP California
Source: Pacific Coast Business Directory for 1876-78, Compiled
by Henry G. Langley, San Francisco, 1875